
Showing posts from June, 2019

My ProLon Experience

My ProLon Experience What is it? ProLon is a five-day program that comes in a pre-assembled box. While it may be appealing to the eye with its sleek, modern, white box design, it is not for the faint of heart! This five-day, scientifically-backed, fast-mimicking diet (FMD) is one of the best weight loss decisions you can make. Fast is a trigger word for many, who may think of it is some type of ordeal; however, the ProLon box simplifies everything for those looking to take the next steps toward a healthier life. The Fasting Mimicking Diet was created by Dr. Valter Longo, an Italian biologist and researcher. Replicating the benefits of fasting while still nourishing the body undergoing calorie deprivation. With this plant-based, whole food meal kit, you are equipped with all of the tools for a successful five-day reset to your system. It mitigates the burden and danger of water-only fasting by providing a tasty, convenient, and safe dietary program that does not req...